
Stop hypnotically eating and start consciously eating with purpose.  

As a stress coach, my job is to help you understand this powerful emotional and mental connection of maintaining a healthy weight. I will coach you through the process of losing weight, understanding nutrition and keeping fit. You will learn how to break bad eating habits and replace them with new healthy habits. You will gain a better insight with your stress relationship with food, exercise and motivation. 


Weight loss education coaching isn’t a diet program. It’s a lifestyle foundation for having a healthy weight to increase your longevity.  It’s one of the greatest tools that you can learn to prevent the leading causes of death such as heart attacks.  Some people are genetically obese; however, majority of the population just has bad eating habits. They don’t exercise enough on a weekly basis and they get stuck with negative habitual routines.  


How do you break the cycle of eating too much and gaining weight?  You have to really get into the mind and heart.  You know on the conscious level of the brain that being too fat isn’t a healthy thing, but your subconscious mind controls those instant actions of comfort such as eating too much food. 



If you seriously want to lose weight, then you must to tap into your subconscious mind.  Why do you repeat the same sabotaging behaviors? The answer is you have not truthfully been real with yourself. You have to get real with why you’re gaining weight in life.  What are you currently doing, thinking and feeling to put yourself in a state of where you are right now with food and exercise? You must declare the emotional reasons why you must change and then you can define mentally the strategies of how to change your new healthy habits. 

I’ll work with you to: 

  • Develop your own weight loss education plan that will effectively burn fat and calories. 
  • Develop a strategy to eat the foods you like which will help you maintain a healthy weight. 
  • Provide educational guidelines that best support your personal needs. 
  • Be more confident about choosing the right foods that will increase your metabolism. 
  • Motivate you to get your body moving again in life.

Contact for appointment today

Feel free to contact me via phone, email or text. 

Phone: 214-642-8941

Email: [email protected]

Office address:

Heritage Medical Offices 

4100 Heritage Avenue Suite 102

Grapevine, Texas 76051